One question that comes up a lot at Cannon Falls High School is why is there a moose costume when the real mascot is the Bombers. Isla Harrison in sixth grade says, “Why is there a moose? I like being the Bombers. I don’t want to change that. We have been the Bombers for so many years, wouldn’t it break people’s hearts to change?” When people see this they question it, but in reality, the school has been trying to hint towards the change. The change is that the Bomber mascot is being replaced with a moose. The school was struggling to find a good mascot that wasn’t too violent. Finally, they decided on the moose because of its character traits. Lila Olson says, “It is understandable because it’s hard to get a costume for the Bombers.”
To make sure everyone knows about the change, the school is going to send out an email daily through the LED for an entire month. Then to really make sure everyone knows they will ask each kid every day what the mascot is until all of them say the Moose. They will only do it for high school and middle school. To make sure the elementary students and parents know the school will hold a mandatory meeting. The school has decided that it is super important for everyone to know what the new mascot is.

The Moose is the new mascot so Cannon Falls Schools need new merch. The school will start with the sports uniforms, then move on to any other merch. Before that, they must get rid of anything Bomber-related so next time someone is caught wearing Bomber gear it will be confiscated and disposed of. In replacement of the Bomber gear students will get new merch with the new logo of a moose. To prevent people from getting Bomber gear right before they change the mascot, they have decided to close the school to repaint and renovate anything Bomber-related. Also, they will close Cannon Valley Specialties until the Bomber gear is gone and the new Moose merch is here.
The school says that it was really hard to find a mascot costume for the Bombers so they decided to find a new one. The new mascot ended up being the moose and the school will be called the Mooses. The school has decided on the moose because of its character traits: kind, sweet, protective, and fierce. Lola Winchell says, “When I think of moose I think ferocious, fierce and sweet.” The school could never find a mascot that wasn’t too violent until they eventually stumbled upon the Moose. The school searched far and wide for a new mascot that fit the school well and it happens to be the Moose.