5th Wave – Book review
“After the first wave, only darkness remains. After the second, only the lucky escape. And after the third only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.” Cassie Sullivan is a 16 year old teenager stuck between this fictional, post-apocalyptic world that is being ransacked by aliens, “Others”, as Cassie calls them. These Others hide in plain sight among the humans and plan global infestation through wicked deceptions. As the reader’s main guide through the novel, Cassie has one and only one mission, to save her little brother Sam. While traveling to Wright-Patterson Air-Force Base, the Other’s headquarters, she encounters Evan Walker. With dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, this 19 year old hunky, yet mysterious farm boy seems a little too perfect. This novel is portrayed in the Buckeye state of Ohio and follows Cassie in and around Cincinnati. Although Cassie Sullivan is the main narrator, several characters perspectives are told. Each section, which contains chapters, have first-person perspectives of different people. Ben Parish, Cassie’s love interest before the invasion, also has his point of view told several times.
“It made me feel like I was in the book and experiencing everything as I was reading,” ninth grader Paige Miest described when asked how she personally liked the book. With only three years of exposure, The 5th Wave has gotten it’s fair share of positive comments. I personally enjoy sci-fi fiction books in general but Rick Yancey’s novel tops the charts. Although it contains a total of 457 pages, the book flows smoothly and is in a relatively easy font to read. The words used throughout have depicted everything the author wanted to in a clever way.
Many critics like The New York Times and EW.com have identified this novel as a mixture between having the dark adrenaline of The Hunger Games, but also the sorrowful tone of The Road novel. First published in the United States by G.P. Putnam’s Sons, it was an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group back in 2013. Published by Speak in 2015, it was also an imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC. “For Sandy, whose dreams inspire and whose love endures” is written as a dedication in The 5th Wave. The Infinite Sea that was published on September 16, 2014 is the second novel in the series. The Last Star, available on May 24 2016 at the Barnes and Noble store is the third and last novel in the series. It is ideal that movies will be made for all three books and I personally feel that this is a great idea. The 5th Wave book is a must read because each chapter ends so suspenseful and people just can’t turn the pages fast enough to dive into the action.

Sophie Epps is a senior and is one of the co-editors of the Features section. Even when not writing bios, she enjoys talking about herself in the third...