Dynamic duo slay at triple A
There are not one but two Cannon Falls 1A section winners of the triple A award! Emma Thomley and Bjorn Pearson were the first ever winners from Cannon Falls to receive this award. The triple A award is based off of the GPA, classes, and participation in the arts and sports of the students selected. On March 3, 2016 Pearson and Thomley will be recognized as the section winners at the 2A and 3A boys basketball section championship and then later on March 12, 2016 during the boy’s basketball state the four state winners will be announced. The winners are picked through a series of committees where their applications are reviewed and the winners voted on.

Taylor is the Lantern's fiery Arts and Entertainment editor. She has enough energy to keep Chicago running for a week, and channels it in Dance, Soccer,...

Iris is in 10th grade and is the Lantern's Social Media Editor. As such she can often be found checking Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She laughs like...