Adventures in babysitting

Ryan Foster and Bryce Boyle Hoban take on the babysitting challenge
April 23, 2014
“>Babysit, verb. to watch over or tend: The Cannon Falls High School Student Council will babysit any preschool – 5th grade child from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Cannon Falls Elementary. Friday, April 25, three supervising adults and the Cannon Falls High School Student Council members – eight of them CPR certified – are offering their stellar babysitting services to overworked and underappreciated parents. For the low, low price of just $10 per child, ($5 after the first three from a family) kids can do arts and crafts, watch Frozen and The Lego Movie, play board games, and engage in gym activities under the watchful eyes of almost thirty responsible student council members and adults. All provided snacks are gluten free. As an added bonus, parents and guardians dropping off their little bundles of joy receive one 10% off coupon to Country Kitchen and one coupon for Nick’s Diner worth 10% and a free sundae per couple.
For more information, email Student Council President Ryan Foster at [email protected] or Student Council Faculty Advisor Kate Dahlen at [email protected].