All Hail the Victors
Many entered – one prevailed
Reid Hommedahl posses with the bracket challenge form won by his homeroom
April 7, 2014
The end is nigh. Though a victor can already be declared in the CF Lantern Homeroom Bracket Challenge. In a landslide victory, Mr. Pliscott’s guild is the champion in the battle of superior knowledge regarding collegiate basketball. With ten entries total, Pliscott’s homeroom reigned supreme among their constituents winning by 50 points. Hernke’s homeroom finished second. Reid Hommedahl, one of Pliscott’s own, was one of the key players in his homeroom’s victory. As a reward for their first place finish, Pliscott’s homeroom will feast upon cookies while their fellow classmates look on with envy. The winners of the individual bracket challenge will be announced once the final game has concluded. The championship game airs tonight, April 7, between the University of Connecticut and the University of Kentucky.