An environmental revival
The Environmental Club is back at CFHS, and its members are gearing up for the new school year by brainstorming project ideas.
Senior Bianca Caputo discusses the environment with a roomful of eager club members.
The Environmental Club has officially been revitalized at Cannon Falls High School after a year of being put on hold. Though in the past there hasn’t been enough interest for the club to take place, this year it has gradually begun to accumulate a dedicated group of students willing to pitch in and participate. The Environmental Club consists of students who care about the environment and want to create positive change in the community. This group gets together to complete different projects around the school and in the community that provides lasting benefits to the environment.
Senior Bianca Caputo is in charge of the Environmental Club restart this year. When she was asked why she chose to restart the Environmental Club she spoke of her passion for the environment and environmental awareness. “I love and feel connected to the Earth. I believe that all schools and people can make a change, and wanted Cannon Falls Schools to reflect that,” she said. Bianca also spoke about concerns involving climate change. Her passionate mindset about helping the environment paired with her concerns about the current state of the environment inspired Bianca to get the Environmental Club up and running once again.
Bianca has already put a ton of hard work and effort into making the club a reality by hanging posters around the school and sending out emails to find those who are interested in participating this year. Though it was challenging for Bianca to start up the Environmental Club again, her efforts have been rewarded with a large group of people who have taken to attending her meetings.
Mrs. Thompson is the advisor for the Environmental Club this year. Her excitement surrounding the revitalized Environmental club spurs from the club’s ability to raise awareness about the problems in the environment, especially for the younger generations, expressing that “I am excited to see how the current generation will respond to these challenges in both raising awareness and taking action.” She then went on to say that having people take steps to protect and preserve the environment “Is more important now than it has ever been.” With the ever-growing issues surrounding the environment and climate change, it’s no secret that the environment has never been more desperate for help. Joining the Environmental Club is merely one way people can take action in the community.
This year, the Environmental Club has high hopes for its various projects and volunteer opportunities. There are currently plans in motion to create a multitude of volunteer opportunities around the school for members to take part in. Bianca also spoke about potential collaborations with local businesses as well as some of the other student-led organizations. “Even those who are not in the club are welcome to participate,” Bianca stated while touching upon some of her upcoming plans for the Environmental Club. This means those who aren’t a part of the club but would still like to take part in some of the activities are able to participate without committing to the club full-time. Anyone who has an interest in helping the environment or making a difference in the community is welcome and encouraged to join the Environmental Club this year.

Hi! My name is Hannah, and I am a senior. I am a Features editor, and I am also involved in Minnesota Honors Society. In my free time, I love to read,...