Apr. 19 Covid update

Last week, 10 seniors tested positive for Covid, which caused many others to quarantine due to close contact.


The recent outbreak of Covid cases in CF has postponed sports and activites.

As April continues, Minnesota providers continue to deliver doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to those who have not received it yet. According to the MDH (Minnesota Department of Health) as of April 16, 2,274,426 people have gotten at least one dose of the two-dose series and 1,600,887 have both. In the week of April 4, 404,258 doses were administered statewide. In terms of age, most are either aged eighteen to forty-nine years or sixty-five and older. In total, 3,125,135 doses of the COVID vaccine have been shipped to Minnesota providers. Pfizer is still leading in the total number of its vaccines administered to citizens in Minnesota with 51.2%, after being the first to be approved by the FDA for emergency use. Next is Moderna with 43.5%, and last is Johnson & Johnson with 5.3%. 

At the Cannon Falls Schools’ COVID-19 advisory committee’s meeting on April 16, there had been 18 positive cases in the past week at that time. Of those cases, 17 were in high school, and 10 of those are seniors. Many more people had to be quarantined due to having close contact with these positive cases. In the elementary school, 108 people had to be quarantined. In the high school/middle school, 169 people were quarantined, and 127 of those were exposed from the school. In total, 277 were quarantined between both schools. Since September 8, 2020, there have been a total of 72 student cases and 23 cases amongst the staff. Cannon Falls High School is continuing to distance learn with activities postponed or virtual. 

In Goodhue County, a total of 4,404 people have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Goodhue County Department of Health and Human Services. As of April 16, there were 184 active cases. Of those, 4 were hospitalized at that time. In total, there have been 196 hospitalizations and 71 deaths. In Goodhue County, 20,061 people have at least the first dose of the COVID vaccine. Of those, 14,790 have both. On April 17 alone, the MDH reported 1,847 new cases of COVID-19 statewide. On that same day, there were also 15 deaths from COVID reported. In total, there have been 556,381 positive cases and 7,020 deaths. 

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there have been 472,100 cases of COVID-19 in the week of April 11 to April 18 in the U.S. In that same week, there were 4,904 deaths from COVID. In total, there have been 31,444,706 cases since January 21, 2020, and 563,980 deaths.