Baby, it’s cold inside
Middle School students recycle their old assignments to create paper snowflakes decorating their classroom.
Ms. Stamer posing near her winter wonderland.
Walking by Ms. Stamer’s classroom, students can’t help but notice the many snowflakes covering her classroom walls from floor to ceiling; however, these aren’t average snowflakes. They aren’t cold, fluffy, and they most definitely aren’t small; in fact, they are a blizzard of paper!
It all started last year around the holidays when Grace Miller saw that a lot of the assignments that were graded were just being put in the garbage. Miller had nothing to do during her study hall, so she made some paper snowflakes out of them. After that, it grew. Many seventh graders got together during their study halls to make paper snowflakes to decorate Ms. Stamer’s classroom. It gave everyone something to do when they didn’t have homework, and it saved paper that was otherwise being wasted, and most of all, it was fun.
This year, starting around mid-October, a few people got together most of the study hall days to make the snowflakes again. Then, as the pile grew, more people got involved and made snowflakes to get ready for what was named the “Snowflake Extravaganza 2019.” It would all happen on November 26, when some of the eighth graders who had contributed would hang up all of the snowflakes and have a big party, completed with snacks provided by Ms. Stamer. This is fun and all, but the biggest part of the snowflake extravaganza for Miller, is bringing people holiday cheer and happiness. “I like the snowflakes. It looks like that one scene from Elf,” said seventh grader Mackenzie Kilmer. The windows, walls, and door are covered in snowflakes. They are like real snowflakes, in that they are all unique with tons of different designs, ranging anywhere from rectangular to frog shaped and everything in between. There is also a variety colors thanks to Mrs. Davisson, who provided the colored paper. Thanks are also due to the seventh graders whose assignments were used for the snowflakes as a way to not waste fresh paper.
The snowflakes did not have to look perfect, or even very good. Miller founded the Snowflake Extravaganza 2018 and 2019 and admitted that her original snowflakes were not especially pretty, but, after making hundreds of snowflakes, Miller can say with confidence that her snowflake making abilities have improved.
Miller wishes to encourage everyone to try to make their own snowflakes. They are decorative and it’s super simple to look up really great snowflake templates online. They help to deck the halls, or in Mrs. Stamer’s case, the classroom.. They bring joy to the people involved, and it will certainly bring other people joy too.

Salutations! I am Grace Miller, the editor-in-chief for the Lantern. I am heavily involved in FFA, speech, and my job as a barista, but my true calling...