Bridging the Gap
CF students Raise Awareness of Afghan Counterparts
A frantic blonde middle schooler stopped me on my way out to the parking lot after school. She stammered that I needed to go onto because her class is trying to connect to Afghanistan students and if I watch a video, a dollar is donated to their cause. Ultimately they are aiming for twenty thousand dollars and could I “please tell everyone I know.”
The money fundraised will go to helping rehabilitate teens in Afghanistan detention centers and hopefully reverse the causes of extremism and hopefully bridge the gap of understanding starting with teens. Their website leaves one last thought about the project: The impact of this project cannot be measured by traditional means. It is not “how many seeds are in an apple”, but rather “How many apples are in a seed”

Sydney is a senior and is involved in speech, debate, and National Honor Society. She enjoys playing scrabble and watching law and Order, aspiring to be...