Buchheit’s upcoming events
To help students expand their knowledge on science based careers, Mr. Bucchiet has been offering CFHS students several opportunities to join zoom meetings lead by respected science institutions.
Mr. Buccheit, a 9th grade science teacher, is setting up numerous zoom meetings for CFHS students to learn about science career fields.
This year, Mr. Buchheit has given students at Cannon Falls many opportunities to learn about numerous fields of studies within the math and science departments. He has been scheduling virtual zoom meetings with people around the country to teach students about what they do. There are many more scheduled upcoming meetings.
A zoom meeting with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is scheduled for Friday, March 5th at 12 p.m. Two senior mechanical engineering students who have conducted research alongside Professor Sangbae Kim will be leading the meeting. Professor Sangbae Kim is a world leader in bio-inspired robotics and is the creator of the famous MIT robotic cheetahs.
On Friday, March 19th at 11 a.m. there will be a Radiologic Technologist Virtual Career Tour through the Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences. It will give students the opportunity to learn more about the radiography pathway program to earn an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.
The faculty members of the mechanical engineering department at the University of Michigan will be hosting a Q & A about the research they conduct. They will also touch on the different research areas at the University of Michigan. This meeting will take place on Friday, March 26th at 11 a.m. If you would like to learn more about the faculty members click this link. (Click Here)
On Friday, April 16th at 10:30 a.m., Junaed Sattar from the University of Minnesota will be representing the Minnesota Robotic Institute. He will be presenting about his research with aquatic robots. The IRV Lab conducts research on underwater robotics, human-robot collaboration, robot vision, application of robotics in healthcare, and assisted and autonomous driving.
If you have any questions about the upcoming events or want to be added to the event, email Mr. Bucchiet at [email protected] .

Hey y’all, My name is Anna and I’m an Editor-in-Chief of the Lantern. I’m involved in pretty much everything that exists. I’m my free time, (which...