Calling all speechies
The speech season is starting up again, and on November 15, those interested in the activity will get information at a callout meeting.
A group of CFHS speechies posing for a picture after taking home medals from one of last year’s tournaments.
The end of October is quickly approaching, meaning that many fall activities are wrapping up. After a brief break between seasons, high school students will once again launch themselves into a whole new flurry of pastimes. As one of the many school activities that resumes in late fall, Speech is kicking off on Monday, November 15th with a Speech Team Callout Meeting in Mrs. Winget’s room.
Designed for students who are new to the CFHS speech team, the meeting on November 15th will discuss the must-know items for anyone looking to join; the season’s schedule, what the typical speech tournament entails, and other speech basics.
Additionally, a major portion of the meeting will be dedicated to outlining all of the speech categories available to new team members looking to find their place. Speech has 13 categories, all of which have vastly different speaking styles; Creative Expression, Discussion, Drama, Duo, Extemporaneous Reading, Extemporaneous Speaking, Great Speeches, Humorous, Informative Speaking, Original Oratory, Poetry, Prose, and Storytelling. Samples of each will be presented by past category members at the meeting in order to give aspiring speechies an idea of what they would like to do during the season.

Hi Everyone! My name is Lauren Ritz and I'm a senior editor-in-chief for the Lantern. When I'm not editing articles and cooking up graphics, I enjoy playing...