Calling all speechies
The speech season is starting soon so coaches and past members are looking to recruit new members to the team.

Last year’s speakers gathered at Red Wing’s invitational tournament for a picture.
On November 14, the Cannon Falls Speech team will be holding a callout meeting for prospective members for the 2023 season.
Anyone who is interested in joining the speech team can come to the meeting. It starts after school at 3:05 in Mrs. WInget’s room (202). It is a meeting where the coaches will discuss information about Speech and how to join. There will be members from the previous year’s team performing a small part of their speech so that people can get an idea of the categories there are in speech. Interested students will to try out so the coaches can put them in the best-fitting category for them. If someone can’t attend the meeting, they should contact Holly Winget or Cal Vandehoef.
Cannon Falls students should come to the meeting. They don’t have to sign up. If they are interested, this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know how this extracurricular activity functions.

Hi! My name is Angel Zheng. I am a sophomore and I enjoy creating art. I have an adorable cat, Cinnamon, that I love so much.