Coronavirus causes learning curve
A new “distance learning plan” has been set up so teachers and students can continue their school routines and keep staff and students healthy during this time.
School administration has created a high school, 7&8th grade, and 6th grade Zoom schedule to help maintain organization and normalcy.
Now that spring break is coming to an end, students will soon be unzipping pencil bags and opening notebooks once again; however, due to the recent spikes of COVID-19 cases, they will be reintroducing these habits from their homes. Cannon Falls area schools have created a distance learning plan that will allow students to continue their school work while also practicing social distancing. Teachers will continue to use Schoology to provide students with learning materials, but both students and teachers will also become familiar with a video chatting program called Zoom. A schedule has been formulated so that each class will meet through Zoom at assigned times throughout the week. A class will meet either Mondays and Thursdays or Tuesdays and Fridays. Each Wednesday is reserved as a “student support day,” and during these days, teachers can interact with individuals or smaller groups of students. Though this is very new and a big change for the staff and students alike, it is a great learning opportunity; today’s world is rather fortunate to have technology available that allows people to more easily adapt to these unfortunate circumstances.

Aizlynn is a Zyia-obsessed, Red Bull dependent, midnight snacking, heap of awesomeness. She is a Senior Editor-in-chief who dearly misses her true home:...