Counting down competitions
The junior high math league competed in their last competition on January 7th
Junior high Math league after their competition
January 7, 2019, was the jr. high math leagues last competition at Kenyon Wanamingo school. The bus was coming late which made the team nervous because they were worried they wouldn’t make it to the competition on time. Soon the bus came after they waited 15 minutes. Angel Zheng, Ashton Wieck, Caiden Huebsch, Danni Ehlers, Grace Miller, Thomas Coyle, and Sara Auger competed during the last meet. The Wasioja math league seasonal score showed that the Cannon Falls team was 77 points behind Northfield Maroon who had 307 points and was in 1st. Kenyon Wanamingo was 16 point behind Cannon. Students drank lemonade and ate cookie until the teacher took them to a room to compete individually. First, they did Event A which is a set of 5 questions that lasts for ten minutes with a 2-minute warning. Then, they did Event B for ten minutes which is the same as Event A but involves a different set of math problems.
After that, the team took a break while teachers added up the individual points. Next was the team event which took 20 minutes. After the team finished, they ate pizza and waited for a while for the award ceremony to begin. Sara Auger got 7th place for the individuals and Thomas Coyle tied with a competitor from Northfield for 1st. Then came the team awards and Cannon Falls placed second behind Northfield. Afterwards, they got onto the bus and headed to their second certificate ceremony which was at Cannon.
Bucky Lindow, their coach, told the competitors parents that they got 2nd place and that Sara and Thomas placed. Lindow gave out certificates to everyone who participated on the team. Then he gave out certificates to the top 3 scorers on the Cannon Falls team. Everyone on the team already knew that Thomas got first and Sara got second and they were all wondering who got third. Caiden got 27 points and Angel got 28 points for the team. “ I am very proud of you all for dedicating time toward Math League. We did very well. The most impressive part about finishing in 2nd place is that we did it without any 8th graders,” said Bucky Lindow, “The team will improve going into next year as you learn new math topics. I hope you all stay involved in math league next year and when you reach high school.”
Some were sad that math league was over, but there is just one more different competition to compete at, Mathcount. Mathcount is a different type of tournament that the math team will compete in. It is an all day math competition for middle school students, and it will take place on February 1, 2019, during the school day.

Hi! My name is Angel Zheng. I am a sophomore and I enjoy creating art. I have an adorable cat, Cinnamon, that I love so much.