The Cannon Falls Bombers Dance Team had been working hard during the season and all of their hard work has finally paid off in the end. After advancing in both kick and jazz in section 1A, the Bomber Dance Team (BDT) attended the Minnesota State Dance Tournament for the 23rd consecutive year, in which they competed on the 14th and 15th of February. The BDT returned to kick state finals for the first time since 2022, making this trip to state especially memorable. Finishing in sixth with their kick routine, and tenth with their jazz routine, the team will consider the 2024-2025 season a success.
Beyond placements and performances, state was an experience of firsts and lasts for members of the dance team. Several teammates experienced their last performance at state, one of whom was Amera Wells, a senior on the BDT and leadership team member. Wells looks back on her last state tournament, stating “Walking off of the state floor for the last time was definitely sad but also exciting. I was sad to be leaving it behind but I was super glad I was able to experience and enjoy it.” For many of the seven BDT seniors (Amera Wells, Katie Maziarka, Kendra Reed, Emma Neumann, Gabby Krinke, Savannah Roller, and Emily Breland), this was their last time dancing competitively, making this moment bittersweet as they took in every last second on the state floor.
For some, however, this was only the beginning of their dance career. As the only seventh grader on the varsity roster and the only addition to the varsity kick team this season, Lizzie Tipton was under immense pressure to perform to the standard of her older and more experienced teammates. However, she surpassed all expectations for her rookie season and had an outstanding first performance on the state floor. Walking out onto the state floor for the first time, as stated by Tipton “I felt this rush of adrenaline just kick in so I wasn’t very scared but it was nerve-racking to be on that big floor.” Being so young and competing at such a high level, Tipton’s composure throughout the performance was truly impressive. She handled the pressure like a professional.
Aside from the stress of competing, the team had time to make lifelong memories at the state tournament. Wells reflects stating “My favorite memory from my last state tournament was probably when Emily, Emma, and I got “trapped” in the elevator. I also love the memory of us making it to finals in kick for the first time in a while.” The feeling of making state finals in kick after working at it for the past three seasons was an unforgettable moment of joy and accomplishment for all members of the BDT, but was especially meaningful to the seniors, as it was their last opportunity to perform at finals. Furthermore, Tipton states “My favorite part of my state experience was how I felt walking off because I felt like I had accomplished the impossible.” The overwhelming emotion walking away from this year’s state tournament was accomplishment and pride.
The recipe for success this season was a mixture of several crucial elements in creating the best routine possible, and executing it flawlessly. In the opinion of Wells, “Our performance quality while dancing was key to making it to state this year.” She also mentions “Our dance difficulty definitely helped us place high but our performance quality helped us sell the judges and earn a spot at state.” As returning BDT members work to emulate these same qualities in future seasons, they plan to come back next season with big goals and an intense drive to meet them. As stated by Tipton, “Some goals I have for next year is obviously to make it to state again but go beyond that and really push myself to my limits.” These athletes refuse to take their success for granted and understand that they will have to work just as hard next year to continue their state legacy. As they close out the 2024-2025 season, remaining teammates learn to step up as leaders, and the seniors prepare to take on a new role as alumni and the BDT’s biggest fans.