Dancing the autumn away
The newly formed fall dance team performed three times in September and October against other area schools.
The fall dance team poses in matching attire
Cannon Falls started a fall dance team this year, led by coaches Jasmin Kotek and Brook Sexton. The team’s first official practice was on August 15, 2022. They practice every Monday and Wednesday from 6-8 pm and add more practices if needed. There are 22 dancers on the team with grades ranging from 6th to 12th. This year the dancers performed in three shows: Sept. 10 at Cannon Falls, Sept. 17 at Lakeville South, and Oct.1 at Northfield.
On Sept. 10, they had their first show. The team held an optional practice the morning of the show to clean up the dance because they were not 100% ready. At around 11:50, all Cannon dancers arrived at the football field to warm up and get settled in. At this time the Northfield and Farmington dance team had also arrived as well. From 12:10 to 12:30 all the teams got ready and had their marks on the field. The spectators started arriving at around 12:40. The show officially started at 1 pm, with an awesome start with Cannon Falls. “ I wasn’t nervous or excited, I felt confident about the dance and was neutral,” Molly Beebe stated. They did amazing, especially how they learned the dance in a short period of time. Their song of choice was a Rihanna mix which was approximately 2 minutes long. After Cannon Falls performed, Northfield went next and followed by Farmington. The show ended at around 1:20 pm with the show being around 25 minutes long for the spectators. “This show in my opinion went well. Though it was hard to have many girls not present and filling formations, as well as adjusting choreography to fit those present but I know they will make it happen!” Jasmin, the coach, said.
The next show was the following Saturday, Sept. 17 at Lakeville South with about 13 dance teams performing. They met up at the CCC in Cannon Falls, to retrieve their pom poms, which they are going to dance with, for the first time at the show, and to help do the girls’ hair. Then, they carpooled to Lakeville South, where they marked and performed. At the end of the show, there was a big event where all the dancers did a group TikTok. The show ended at around 4:45- 5 pm.
The last show they performed at was at Northfield on Oct. 1. One major difference from the team’s two other shows they had done is that they performed in a gym, unlike the previous ones that had outside on a football field. When they arrived at high school, they had a lot of free time to stretch and explore the school. Later they marked and got settled in the gym, waiting for the show to start. The show had dancers from grades K-12, showing off talent from each grade. The show for the spectators was about 1 hour long.
The following Monday, they had a 2 hour practice, mostly to say goodbye and wrap up the season. They practiced some turns, jumps, and of course had a dance battle. At the end, the coaches got together and said their goodbyes and handed each dancer a jewelry cup with their initials on it as a goodbye gift.

Hello! My name is Cindy Zheng and I am a Junior in High School. This will be my second year as a lantern/writer. Besides lantern, I have been in dance...