Fantastic future farmers
The Cannon Falls FFA went to State Convention on April 23-25.
The Cannon Falls Crops team will move on to Nationals in October.
The 94th MN FFA state convention occurred at the University of Minnesota’s campus on April 23-25. FFA members across the state competed in many different competitions with the goal of making it to nationals. At state, convention members are not only competing but also earning FFA state degrees, receiving recognition for their supervised agricultural experiences, as well as chapters that can receive awards and recognition.
Each year many members apply for their state degree. The state degree is the highest degree that a state can award to a member. To earn a state degree, members have to fill out an application and go through interviews. There were over 350 recipients at this year’s state convention. Four of these recipients were from the Cannon Falls chapter. These members are Gideon Anderson, Beth Carpenter, Lucas Erickson, and Amilia Rapp.
This year the Cannon Falls FFA chapter received the award for being a Superior Chapter. This award is not given to many chapters; to earn this award, the chapter must fill out an application of many of their achievements from the year. Receiving this award was very exciting for the chapter.

The Cannon Falls FFA chapter was very successful in their career development events and leadership development events. The crops team placed first overall. The members on the team are Ryan Johnson, Gideon Anderson, Lucas Erickson, and Cameron Addington. Cameron Addington placed first individually, and Lucas Erickson placed third individually. The Crops team will advance to nationals in October. Grace Miller placed third individually in the Farm Business Management competition. The members on the Farm Business Management team are Grace Miller, Mackenzie Kilmer, Kendra Reed, and Teagan Strecker. The Best Informed Greenhand team placed third overall as a team. The members on the team are Emmy Addington, Hilari Palodichuk, Monette Otterness, Brent Carpenter, and Dawson Stanford. Additionally, Lance Mlsna competed in Dairy judging; Karter Otto competed in the Agricultural Mechanics competition; Cadence Killmer, Arianna Mollers, Brent Carpenter, and Jonathan Neumann competed in the Meats competition; Beth Carpenter, Emerson Addington, Avery Stark, and Hilari Palodichuk competed in the Floriculture competition; Isaac Rapp, Torin Stecker, and Amaila Rapp competed in the Fish and Wildlife competition at the state level.

Competing and earning awards was not the only thing that happened at the convention. Members got to meet new people and spend time together while also learning many things in sessions, where both state and national officers talked. Zach Johnson, who is well known as the Minnesota Millenial Farmer, and a few others said a few words to help keep FFA members motivated and to show their support for the organization. Overall, the chapter did very well at the state competition.

Hi, my name is Hilari Palodichuk. I am a junior in high school and I'm involved in many school activities. I am involved in the Minnesota...