From the earliest of years, clothes have been a key part of people’s lives. In early times, individuals would spend loads of time pampering themselves. Whether for a ball, group gathering, or even a trip to town. The styles of each generation have been unique and different from each other. One of the most iconic eras of fashion being the twenty-first century. The styles from the early 2000s to current date have changed and adapted, based on the needs of the wearers, comfort being one of the main reasons. Clothes, hairstyles, and shoes are always and currently changing, adapting, and adjusting.
In the early 2000s, fashion was a big deal. Clothes, hair, and shoes were a way to express personal style, and show how someone feels. A few examples of trendy clothes in the early 2000s were denim jeans and jackets. Among those were Juicy Couture jackets, which were a comfortable choice, and were worn by almost everyone. Sweaters and graphic tees were also often worn to school by both girls and boys.
According to Elizabeth Boyum, current CFHS staff member, and 2007 graduate, “Girls wore low rise, flared jeans. Often spaghetti strapped cami’s with another spaghetti strapped lace cami and a zipped up hooded sweatshirt with a belt was very popular.” It is obvious that, at the time, a huge trend was layers. Tube tops, and fitted shirts were among the most popular shirt choices; for the pants, short shorts and sweatpants with writing on the backside were popular for ladies. To school, boys wore a long sleeve T-shirt, and then a T-shirt on top of that. Boyum says “Graphic tees, cargo-over the knee shorts, and jeans were loose fitted.” Layers were even popular with the guys.
Colors were a big deal of the time; they could be found in sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, even socks. The rainbow range of colors were considered to be an “in” thing at the time. School aged kids found colors as a way to express themselves, and their current emotional state.
Later into the 21st century, clothes started to gradually get more and more casual. Sweats were worn more and more often. For example, twenty years ago, it was common for boys to wear khakis, cargo pants, or jeans. Now, wearing one of those clothing items is considered to be slightly “dressed up”.
During this period, sweat pants and sweat shirts, black leggings, and wide leg and ripped jeans are worn more days than not by school-aged girls. For boys, sweatpants, sweatshirts, and shorts are most commonly worn. They are rarely spotted in anything but that. Some boys may wear jeans, though most go for sweats. Even in the winter, lots of boys opt for shorts. Though there may be some clothes that are more popular than others, there are most definitely brands that are more popular than others. Lululemon, Nike, and Carhart are just a few of the thriving brands right now. “The most popular brands are Lululemon, Nike, Uggs, and Hollister,” comments Isla Harrison.
Currently trending shoes are very similar to back in the early 2000s, Ugg and Converse have both made an appearance over schools nationwide. Converse come in a variety of colors, and Ugg comes in a range of styles. Birkenstock is another brand seen vastly throughout school, mostly in their classic style. A classic shoe brand (and clothing brand) is Nike. Though Nike styles have changed, the brand has remained just as popular as it was many years ago. Nike Air Max 270 is just one of the many types of popular Nike shoes.
There are also many visible changes in hairstyles from the 2000s to current date. Back then, chunky highlights was the most common variation of hair dye for ladies. Unlike nowadays, when people may be seen with their whole head of hair dyed and exotic color. Long bangs that swoop were a popular choice for girls back then. A well liked hairdo for girls was to have little twists and braids in their hair, held back by a bobby pin. Guys’ hairstyles early during this period were really only styled one way, very short. Hair gel was used and overused, and boys could be commonly seen with the tips of their hair highlighted and spiked up. This was, up until 2022 through the current date. Now, boys have more of a hairstyle, rather than a haircut, one style being longer hair that swoops out slightly. Some of the more popular styles for girls’ hair currently include shoulder to elbow length hair with layers. To school, lots of girls like to wear their hair straightened, curled, or in a slicked back ponytail or bun.
One of the most significant changes in clothing over the years, was a change made not for the fashion of people, but for the safety. In the spring of 2020, places started closing down because of the threat of covid-19. Due to the restrictions of the virus, when people wanted to gather together, masks were necessary. Schools had to either go to social distancing, or make mask wearing mandatory, and keep students 6 feet apart, especially when eating. So, masks became a daily ritual for students. Some wore the disposable masks, made of non-woven fabric, while others opted for cloth ones. Some of the masks come with fun designs, such as floral, stripes, and polka dots.
From generation to generation, clothes have changed a lot. Some brands stay popular, and may stay popular forever, though some come and go. Fashion can be seen by people as a hobby, a way to express themselves, and a pastime for people world wide. Fashion trends never stop expanding, in twenty years, people may be wearing outfits made out of unimaginable materials. All in all, the only thing that the populace of schools can do is keep up with the fashion trends of today.