Feb. 3 Covid update
The covid vaccine has recently been administered in Goodhue county.
Currently, the Pfizer covid vaccine is more common in Minnesota than the Moderna vaccine.
More COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered this week in Minnesota. There was an increase in the number of doses, having given 159,190 doses this week compared to giving 119,733 doses last week. In total, 418,299 people in Minnesota have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine, and 111,715 people have gotten the completed vaccine series. Of the vaccines administered so far, 65.8% of them are from Pfizer and 34.1% are from Moderna. The remaining 0.1% are either unknown or missing the description. A total of 650,475 vaccines have been shipped to Minnesota to be administered.
The week of January 9 to January 15 brought an increase in COVID-19 cases for the students of Cannon Falls Area Schools. There were 2 additional cases reported this week, and there was not an increase in cases amongst the staff of the schools. Since September 8, 2020, there have been 17 staff cases and 28 student cases of COVID total. Currently, there are 25 students and 1 staff member quarantining at home due to having close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID. Cannon Falls Schools are continuing to have a hybrid model of learning, after switching from full-time distance learning a few weeks ago.
As of January 29, Goodhue County reported 185 active cases of COVID-19 county-wide. Of those cases, 15 are hospitalized. In total, there have been 3,584 confirmed positive cases, 50 probable cases (from antigen tests), and 64 deaths. There have been a total of 165 people who have needed hospitalization due to COVID in total.
The vaccine has also started to be distributed in Goodhue County. There have been 2,908 people who have received the first dose of the vaccine series. Only 776 people have received both doses to complete the vaccine series.
On January 30 alone, there were 996 newly reported cases of COVID-19 in Minnesota state-wide according to the MDH (Minnesota Department of Health). Of those cases, 846 were confirmed and 150 were probable cases. On that same day, there were 13 newly reported deaths. In total, there have been 461,807 positive cases and 6,200 COVID deaths in Minnesota.
According to the CDC, there have been 1,045,440 newly reported cases of COVID-19 in the week of January 24 to January 31 in the United States. In total, since January 21, 2020, there have been 25,921,703 cases of COVID and 438,035 deaths. There have been 31.1 million vaccines administered in total in the U.S.

Salutations! I am Grace Miller, the editor-in-chief for the Lantern. I am heavily involved in FFA, speech, and my job as a barista, but my true calling...