Feb. 8 Covid update
This week, fewer doses of the Covid vaccine have been administered to people compared to last week.
Currently, the Covid vaccine is being given to older folks who are at the highest risk.
According to the MDH (Minnesota Department of Health), there was a decrease of COVID-19 vaccinations administered this week compared to last week in Minnesota. There were a total of 139,832 doses given this week in comparison with the previous week’s 197,782 doses. As of February 5, 2021, the MDH has reported that 554,102 people in Minnesota had at least half of their vaccine series for COVID, whereas 156,638 people have the completed series. In terms of age, the majority of people getting the vaccine are aged 65 or older. In total, 782,975 completed series of the vaccine have been shipped to Minnesota, with 282,800 from Moderna and the remaining 500,175 from Pfizer. Most of the vaccines have been shipped to pharmacies and hospitals.
From January 30 to February 5, 2021, at Cannon Falls Area schools, there have been 3 employees and 15 students quarantining due to having close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Since September 8, 2020, 17 out of the 188 staff members have tested positive for COVID, and 28 out of the 1,150 students have tested positive. Cannon Falls schools are currently in a hybrid learning model for both the elementary school and the high school/middle school. The schools’ COVID advisory committee made the decision to transfer to hybrid learning after a period of distance learning in December, with students coming back to school on January 11, and the schools have been doing hybrid learning since.
In Goodhue County, the Goodhue County Health and Human Services reported that as of February 5, there were 143 active cases of COVID-19. Of those cases, 13 were hospitalized. In total, there have been 3,711 positive cases of COVID and 64 deaths. In Goodhue County, 4,110 people have at least the first dose in their COVID vaccine series, and 1,271 have the complete series.
On February 6 alone, the MDH found 914 new cases of COVID-19 in Minnesota. An additional 10 COVID deaths were reported as well. In total, the MDH has reported 447,071 confirmed positive cases and 21,047 probable cases from antigen testing. There have been 6,299 deaths due to COVID.
In the week of January 31 to February 7, the CDC reported 839,344 new cases of COVID-19 in the United States. There were also 22,558 deaths reported in that same time period. In total, there have been 26,761,047 cases of COVID and 460,582 deaths since January 21, 2020.

Salutations! I am Grace Miller, the editor-in-chief for the Lantern. I am heavily involved in FFA, speech, and my job as a barista, but my true calling...