Finding a CLUE
This year’s spring play was CLUE, and it featured a very full cast of characters.
Tristin Qualey as Wadsworth and Suraya Ekstrom as the unexpected cop acted our their scene.
The spring play was performed on Friday through Saturday, May 13th, 14th, and 15th.
This year’s spring play was CLUE, which is a play based on both the movie and the game. CLUE had a first-time director, Vienna Qualey. As her first time directing, it was an incredible experience for her. She was able to collaborate with students, parents, and administration involving the program in order to pull off an amazing performance. Qualey said, “I like to think about the experience as a jigsaw puzzle. There are so many interconnecting factors to consider and piece together to create a wonderful production. My experience completing this jigsaw puzzle with my crew has been wonderful.”
The directing methods that were used are the immediate redirection and the use of repetition. “What that means for me is that I tweak the scene in the moment (for the most part), and use the brain’s memory processes to my advantage,” Qualey says. After a scene is executed effectively, the actors run through the scene over and over again in practice. That way, when they perform, the actors remember in their minds and body what to do. This practice allows the actors to memorize the scene efficiently so there is no memory loss during the performance when nerves take over.
Tristin Qualey, who played the main lead of the show, Mr. Wadsworth, commented: “The show has been a lot of fun to workshop and perform. Watching it come together was amazing.” The six main leads were Bowen Maki as Professor Plum, Sonya Milkova as Mrs. Green, Tyler McGuire as Colonel Mustard, Sophia Hanson as Mrs. Peacock, Meagan Pedersen as Mrs. White, and Bianca Caputo as Miss Scarlet. Caputo commented, “It’s been a bumpy ride but I think we are ready and excited for people to see it.”
The spring play, CLUE, was performed using all the knowledge the cast learned during practices. The actors and actresses showed off their skills on May 13, 14th, and the 15th. Caputo, as a graduating senior, said, “I feel bittersweet about it because it is my last show, but I am confident we can pull it off.” Everyone in the community was urged to come and see their amazing talents and it was an amazing experience.

Hi! My name is Angel Zheng. I am a sophomore and I enjoy creating art. I have an adorable cat, Cinnamon, that I love so much.