Game, set, match!
Sophia Neirson moves to return the ball to the opposing side.
November 2, 2022
As the Bomber tennis girls’ 2022 season came to a close, the team had an overall record of 6-6. Going into sections, the Bombers received the second seed. Rochester Lourdes was seeded number one. The first round of playoffs was on October 10th against Winona-Cotter. Although the girls put forth their best effort into their postseason, it didn’t go as they had hoped. They unfortunately ended up losing in the first round, placing third in Section 1A. The tennis team enjoyed their time together throughout the season and always put in 100 percent effort to persevere, no matter the circumstances and hardships.
The Bomber tennis team had one individual, Livia Tennessen, make it past the first round of playoffs. For the second round, she faced the number two-seeded player from Rochester Lourdes. She fought hard and played her best in these competitive matches, but the outcome wasn’t in her favor.
Captain and senior, Lauren Ritz, expressed, “One big strength on our team this year was serving; everyone had a really strong first serve even if our second serves needed some work.” Ritz also added how they could’ve had better hustle, but the team was great at keeping their attitudes positive and motivational.
Another senior captain, Claire Dicke, stated one of their struggles was that they had trouble finishing their matches. Dicke also said, “We had some close ones, but we were not able to finish them in our favor.” A goal the girls want to work towards next season is to finish stronger and push themselves at the end of matches.
The Bomber girls are excited to come back next year for the 2023 season. They plan on putting in lots of work this off-season and going into the summer, it will be very beneficial for the team. Losing their four seniors: Claire Dicke, Lauren Ritz, Kalee Anderson, and Alison Hughes will be tough, but the tennis girls are hoping to still be a strong team with the underclassmen they have. For anyone interested in tennis and currently not in any other extracurriculars during the fall season, the tennis team would love to have others come join them when they take on the 2023 season. Go Bombers!