2024-2025 Boys’ basketball stats (click arrow to advance)
Total points - top 5
Gavin Johnson 453
Miles Rechtzigel 351
Ryan Hjellming 314
Jack Meyers 165
Abram Tennessen 163
team 1692
total rebounds - top 5
Jack Meyers 188
Abram Tennessen 119
Tyler Meyers 117
Gavin Johnson 97
Ryan Hjellming 95
team 801
opponents 689
Free throws made - top 5
Gavin Johnson 98
Miles Rechtzigel 48
Abram Tennessen 31
Ryan Hjellming 29
Jack Meyers 20
Team 254
opponents 234
Miles Rechtzigel takes the ball away from Loudes player (
Dawson Sanford)
Steals - top 5
Jack Meyers 42
Ryan Hjellming 38
Miles Rechtzigel 30
Abram Tennessen 29
Gavin Johnson 28
Team 201
opponents 143
Jack Meyers passes the ball to a teammate for a score (
Dawson Sanford)
Assists - top 5
Jack Meyers 93
Abram Tennessen 77
Ryan Hjellming 72
Gavin Johnson 63
Miles Rechtzigel 36
team 400
opponents 303