Kicking past playoffs
The girl’s soccer team has kept up positive attitudes despite their record for the season.
Nora Sexton plows down the field for her opportunity to shoot.
The 2021 season for the Cannon Falls Girls Soccer Team was quite different from last year. Towards the end of the season, the Bombers have been competing against top teams in the conference. While the record may show that they have won three games, tied two, and lost eleven, their confidence was never deterred. “We are quite a different team from last year, especially with losing some people,” Junior Mia Halling claims. The team had to recover from losing seven seniors from the past season. “Having a smaller number of people has been difficult in some ways, but we are still pushing through,” Halling quotes.She has been the team goalie for the past two seasons, being ranked eighth in our conference last year for her saves. Recently, she has been voted as a team captain, along with junior, Cora Park, and senior, Ali Buck.
One major difference from last season compared to now was the COVID-19 restrictions. Cora Park, another team captain and middle midfielder, is grateful to experience this season to the fullest. “ It’s really nice to have a full season, and it has been nice not having so many strict rules to follow this year.” The team competed with schools such as Byron, Schaeffer Academy, La Crescent, and others. Many of the girls are grateful for lifted restrictions, a full season, and having new girls on the team. “The team is the most important part, everyone needs to be on the same page. When we get new girls, it’s so fun to play with them.” Halling expressed this when asked about the newcomers. Randolph, a neighboring school to Cannon Falls, gives their soccer players the opportunity to join the Cannon Falls soccer team. Randolph is unable to have their own home soccer team, so many newcomers on the team came from there as well. “ It’s been a fun season, even though our team is very young and we’re learning a lot,” Park said. She has enjoyed being a captain and helping her team grow this season.
Despite their struggles with past COVID-19 restrictions, they have overcome many obstacles and learned from it. Excited to just be playing, Halling couldn’t wait to be on the field this season. On October 7, the Cannon Falls soccer girls participated in their playoff game against Stewartville, unfortunately losing the win.“ It was very cold, and I believed we would have conducted a few things better. I was very happy to be one of the captains this season, and I’m overall proud that we could pull it together and try our best for playoffs,” Halling stated after the playoff game. The team was seen celebrating the season in their own way afterward, with everyone getting food and reminiscing on the season.
Having a positive season this year, and a rebuilt team, the girls have had quite a learning experience. With a lot of individual and team growth, at the end of their season, you could see the improvement for the next. Despite their record, the girls were happy they even got to participate this year. Next season has stirred up much excitement in the soccer community, after the growth the girls experienced this season, and without the COVID-19 restrictions. Achieving the main goal, which was to have fun, make memories, and to be improved overall as a team, ended the season on a positive note.