Lantern / AP Gov. Voting Project
This graphic contains information voters need to understand candidate platforms as well as how and where to vote. CLICK ON FULL SCREEN
About the Contributors

Isaiah Wildenberg
Hey there. My name is Isaiah, and I’m an editor for the news category. While admittedly being an engineer at heart, I can’t help but love all that...

Amelia Qualey, Editor in Chief
Amelia is an alien from the planet Blurble. Her car of choice, a green Kia Soul, resembles one from her home planet. She is a professional dancer because...

Aizlynn Thim, Editor-in-Chief
Aizlynn is a Zyia-obsessed, Red Bull dependent, midnight snacking, heap of awesomeness. She is a Senior Editor-in-chief who dearly misses her true home:...

Makayla Bowen, Media Editor-in-chief
KK is a mad scientist. She works with all sorts of dangerous colors to make masterpieces far more impressive than the infamous Dr. Doofenschmirtz. Her...