Weightlifting is a sport about building strength and endurance, a sport with ancient origins, and a sport about having fun. Weightlifting originated in Greece and Egypt and it was one of the few sports that was and still is practiced in the Olympics. The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece. Great Britain and Denmark each won a gold medal in weightlifting. Great Britain won the one-handed lift and Denmark won the two-handed lift, though now there are a few different lifts.
Weightlifting is about gaining endurance and strength. It is also about breaking records, doing their best, and having a fun time. In weightlifting, there are weight classes and age classes that competitors are put in to compete against other people of a similar weight or age. During the season there are meets that last all day, which is why they are usually on Saturdays. During these meets they do two lifts; clean-and-jerk and snatch. For the clean-and-jerk, competitors start in a squatted position as they thrust the bar up and catch it around their shoulders with their elbows pointing forward. To do the snatch, they must start in the same squat position but with a wider grip, then thrust the bar above their head. Also on this one, they would have a wider grip.

In Cannon Falls weightlifting there are three coaches; Tad Ulrich, Scott Safe, and Matt Maki. In weightlifting, there are morning practices on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. During these meetings, they not only practice clean-and-jerk and snatch but also do other lifts similar to the main two like overhead squats. In the coming years, middle schoolers will move on to be high schoolers and with that, they have bigger goals than before. Harmen Wojahn, a seventh grader, says in the coming years “I hope to be as strong as August,” August being a high schooler. “Some of my goals are to go down weight classes and get better and stronger,” said eighth grader Mathew Endress when asked about his goals for this year.
As the seasons go by, and the next winter approaches, a new weightlifting season is on its way. Kaia Maki, an eighth grader, remarked “I’m there because it’s a great club and everyone is so supportive and fun.” Mathew Endres explained that he enjoys it too. “I can push myself to accomplish my goals and to work hard and leave with friends.
All things considered, Weightlifting is a great sport and can definitely create and build strength over the winter while also building endurance. Though weightlifting is a commitment, it is also a good way to spend the time coming up to spring sports. As middle schoolers prepare for the high school years, they are pushing themselves to see how far they can go. That way, as high school hits, they are prepared for what’s to come with weightlifting.