Mar. 4 Covid update
This week, Covid vaccinations were administered at the highest rate yet.
CFHS is continuing a hybrid learning plan while more and more staff members get vaccinated.
According to the MDH (Minnesota Department of Health), as of February 26, 878,346 people have had at least one dose of their COVID-19 vaccine series. They reported 452,562 people have gotten both doses. This week had the highest rate of giving the vaccine at 210,076 doses. The age group that is getting the most doses are people aged 65 and older. In total, Moderna has shipped 781,800 series to Minnesota and Pfizer has shipped 766,935 series. Most vaccines are going to pharmacies and hospitals to be distributed. Of doses that have actually been administered to people, Pfizer has 56% and Moderna has 44%.
As of the week of February 13 to February 19, 1 employee of Cannon Falls Area Schools and 30 students were quarantined at home due to having close contact with someone who tested positive for or exhibited symptoms of COVID-19. Since September 8, 2020, 19 staff members and 30 students have tested positive for COVID. The Elementary and Middle/High Schools are continuing to do a hybrid learning model from distance learning to in-person instruction.
On February 26, the Goodhue County Department of Health and Human Services reported that there were 64 active cases of COVID-19 in the county. In total, there have been 3,782 confirmed cases and 60 probable cases (obtained from antigen testing). There have been 68 deaths due to COVID total. In Goodhue County, 7,159 people have had at least one dose of their vaccine and 2,021 people have the completed series.
On February 17 alone, the MDH reported 666 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 147 probable cases. There were also 8 new deaths due to COVID. In total, there have been 6,483 COVID deaths as well as 461,003 confirmed positive cases and 23,591 probable cases in Minnesota. There have been 7,346,457 tests given in total throughout the state of Minnesota.
According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), in the week of February 21 to 28, there were 470,232 new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. In total, there have been 28,355,420 cases since January 21, 2020, when COVID first came to the U.S. In the same week, 14,542 deaths due to COVID were reported, contributing to a total of 519,777 deaths.

Salutations! I am Grace Miller, the editor-in-chief for the Lantern. I am heavily involved in FFA, speech, and my job as a barista, but my true calling...