May 5 Covid update
Cannon Falls Middle and High School have returned to a hybrid learning model.

Pfizer is still the leading distributer of the Covid vaccine.
As of the last day of April, 2,574,895 people have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the MDH (Minnesota Department of Health), 1,972,888 of those have had the completed vaccine series. The age group that has the most people with vaccines is the group of 18 to 49-year-olds. Although many have received vaccines, a total of 3,727,955 doses of the vaccine have been shipped to providers in Minnesota. There are a total of 958 provider sites, 413 of which are pharmacies. Pfizer’s vaccine makes up 52.9% of all doses administered, Moderna makes up 42.6%, and Johnson & Johnson makes up 4.5%.
As of April 30 at Cannon Falls Area Schools, there were 21 students who were quarantined at home due to either having close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or exhibiting symptoms themselves. There was also one employee at that time quarantined at home for the same reason. In total, since September 8, 2020, there have been 82 student COVID cases and 25 staff cases throughout the school. Starting May 3, students are going back to hybrid learning after a couple of weeks in distance learning. The weeks of distance learning came after a large COVID outbreak within the school, shortly after switching to in-person learning.
In Goodhue County, as of April 30, there were 186 active cases of COVID-19 throughout the county. Of those, 7 people were hospitalized. In total, there have been 4,521 confirmed cases and 111 probable cases from antigen testing. Also, 205 of those cases required hospitalization, and 49 ended up in the intensive care unit. There have been 72 deaths resulting from COVID. As of April 30, 22,156 people in the county had at least one of the two vaccine doses, with 17,920 having the completed series.
According to the MDH on May 2, there were 1,713 newly reported cases of COVID in Minnesota. On that same day, there were 6 new deaths from COVID. In total, there have been 579,235 cases statewide, 7,160 of those resulting in death.
Throughout the U.S., there have been 32,191,342 cases of COVID-19 since January 21, 2020. From April 25 to May 2, there were 342,023 cases and 4,617 deaths. In total, there have been 573,780 deaths.

Salutations! I am Grace Miller, the editor-in-chief for the Lantern. I am heavily involved in FFA, speech, and my job as a barista, but my true calling...