Music to my ears

This past week, a talented group of Cannon Falls High School and Middle School students auditioned for the Fall Musical.

Nathan Baszuro

Senior, Sydney Specht, auditions for director Tania Legvold for the 2020 fall musical.

On September 8th and 10th, the first days of school for Cannon Falls High School and Middle School students, theater kids grouped around outside the band room door to audition for the fast-approaching fall musical, keeping 12 feet of distance between them and the person singing. This year’s production will be a mashup of many different musical songs from past and future shows currently being called “Cannon Falls Greatest Hits,” but a different title is in the works. Though it may be a little strange this year, students are excited to be able to take the “stage” once again. 

This year’s performance is going to be different than years past in many ways. The most obvious one being the changes made to suit Covid-19 safety standards. As stated before, all participants will be wearing their masks and maintaining the 6 feet social distance. Auditions were held in the grass outside the band room door on the north side of the school keeping 12 feet away from the person singing. Rehearsals are going to be held outdoors as well, if the weather complies. This may mean participants will have cold and shortened practices, but for now, they are just glad to have something.

Another big difference this year is what the show is going to be like. Normally, Director Tania Legvold picks a popular production with inputs from the actors, and puts on that show. In the past the theater group has put on performances like The Little Mermaid, Anything Goes, and Grease. This year, however, because of the complications of having to perform outdoors, wear masks, and maintain social distance, Legvold has decided to do something different. Instead, this year’s cast will be doing a mashup of many different songs from multiple musicals chosen from shows done in past years and shows that the group has not performed including songs from Anything Goes, Hamlett, and Hamilton. Many of the participants like this new style of performance, including freshman Cannon Quade who enjoys how inclusive it is, stating, “Unlike other shows, this show will have the spotlight on many people instead of just the main character. More people will get the opportunity to showcase their talent, and I look at that as a plus for this type of musical.” This year, 25 students auditioned for and will be participating in the show. Legvold, expecting much more of a hit in this number stated, “It is a few less than in past years, but I am pleased with the turnout.” 

Overall, this year’s musical is definitely going to look a little different, but many are excited about this change in pace. The musical is set to be performed outside at the beginning of October before daylight saving time starts, and the major changes and strange circumstances will ensure  this performance will never be forgotten.