Note-worthy performances
Band and choir group contests were held in Goodhue, and they were incredibly successful.
The Cannon Falls band performing “Awakening Hills”.
Contest is always an exciting time for the Cannon Falls music department. It gives participating students a chance to show off everything they have been practicing all year. On Tuesday, March 5th, the high school Concert Band and Concert Choir boarded buses to go to contest. They arrived at Goodhue high school around 8:45 am and got ready to perform.
Performing second tor the day was the Cannon Falls Band. They performed at 9:30 and did an amazing job. The pieces they played were Three Southern Vignettes and Awakening Hills. “At first I was pretty nervous because of all the snow days that we have had recently but it ended up going really well,” said junior, Alison Larson. Ultimately, the judges really liked their performance. The one thing that the judges said to work on were the bands crescendos, getting soft to loud. Overall the band did a marvelous and it was apparent that they had fun performing.
Following the band was the Cannon Falls Choir. Their performance time was at 11:00. The three pieces that they sang were My Spirit Sang All Day, Earth Song, and Everything That Hath Breath. “I love choir and I was really excited to get to participate in contest again this year,” said sophomore, Kressin Hartl. The choir had an amazing performance filled with a variety of songs and all of their hard work definitely paid off.
At the end of the day, both the Cannon Falls Band and Choir did an exquisite job. They were both rewarded with a superior rating. In order to get a superior rating at least two out of the three judges must give you a score of 35 or above, and every scoring sheet is out of 40 points. A superior ranking is the highest ranking a school can get which makes it even more impressive. The Cannon Falls choir snatched scores of 35, 35, and 37 points while the choir scored 37, 37, and 38 points. Our school’s music program is doing extremely well and they hope to see you at the upcoming concerts on March 11th at 7:00 (Band) and March 14th at 7:00 (Choir).

Hey y’all its Zoe. I’m a senior at Cannon Falls High School and the third Editor in Chief of the Lantern. When I am not doing EIC things I enjoy long...