Pinning for a purpose
Beginning their season in late November, the Bomber wrestling team has started off strong.
Senior wrestler Preston Carlisle takes to the mat for a wresting match.
The Cannon Falls Bomber Wrestling Team started their 2021-2022 season on November 22nd. So far, the Bombers have a record of 4-5. Their first meet of the season was on Saturday, December 4th at St. Charles High School where they competed in a JV and Varsity Quad, against St. Charles, West Field, and Caledonia. On December 9th, the Bombers traveled to Lake City where they competed in a triangular against Lake City and Lewiston Altura-Rushford Peterson (LARP). Saint Agnes hosted the Bombers, as well as Norwood Young America and Champlin Park on December 11th and then they traveled to Kasson Mantorville for a dual meet on December 14th. This past Thursday, December 16th, the Bombers hosted the Goodhue Wildcats and ended up losing by ten points.
Over Christmas Break, on December 29th and 30th, some of the Bomber wrestlers are competing in the Bi-State Tournament which is held in Lacrosse, Wisconsin. There are about seventy teams that will take part in this tournament with twenty wrestling mats in the gym.
A junior, Gavin Peterson, said that, “The team has been putting in a lot of work and is trying to go in the right direction.” Without COVID having a huge impact on the 2021-2022 season, it is their time to shine, as individual tournaments are now finally taking place again and the Bombers are able to participate in larger tournaments where extremely talented athletes perform. Preston Carlisle also described how reassuring it is to know that if one wrestler comes down with COVID, the whole team does not have to quarantine like they would have had to last season.
The Bombers have a large number of younger wrestlers this season, which is great, and have some team goals they strive to achieve: finishing top four in the section, wrestle at the Mayo Civic Center as a team, and end the season with an even record or better.
Gavin Peterson also explained that the Bombers have not been able to wrestle with a full Varsity roster of 14 athletes due to various reasons. Not having a full team makes it more difficult to win dual meets. Because of this, he expressed that the team is extremely focused on creating a culture for Bomber wrestling and a winner mentality amongst everyone in the program.

I am a senior and I am both an editor and writer. I am involved in volleyball, basketball, track & field, SADD, MAHS, and choir. In my free time, I...