Promposals and preparations
Promgoers prepare for an “awesome night” with friends

Prom sketch by Carol Carpenter
Spring has sprung. Sweet sunflowers scent the breeze, the sun’s rays warm the air and tan skin golden, and throughout the halls ring choruses of one word: prom. For some, preparation and promposals began just as the chilly fall air was beginning to nip at exposed noses and leaves fell from trees, but a date is neither necessary nor the end of preparations before “an awesome night with friends,” as senior and two time prom veteran Ryan Foster describes it. Girls spend hours perusing stores for the perfect dress, then a matching tux and flowers. Tickets must be bought and questionnaires filled out for the prom committee. The planning never seems to stop.
The Cannon Falls High School Prom Committee has been meeting each activity day to finish our spring garden theme, communicating with the caterer and creating the scenery to properly set the stage. Each member has a unique task – from writing the humorous script, to manufacturing the scenery, to perfecting the program.

Now, it’s getting to be crunch time; prom is just over a week away. The Friday before prom, the prom committee will be getting out of school for the day to finalize the preparations. While the committee is scrambling to touch up the finishing details, tuxedos, altered dresses and flowers will be collected. Nails will be painted, hair teased to new heights and faces will be brushed with make up. As a celebration for spring having finally put an end to winter (as long as there is no snow in May this year), the preparations may be hectic, but Ryan Foster adds that “you can’t get caught up on the little things.” Because as his date Lauren Lecy adds, “Prom is fun!” In the end, all the preparations will just become mingled with the excitement of the flower-filled night.

Carol Carpenter is the staff's only editorial cartoonist credited with the creation of the lantern logo. As a junior she participates in soccer and...