Racing to the finish
Despite coming across challenges throughout the season, the cross country team had a successful year.
Cannon Falls cross country runners start the race alongside many other schools.
The 2021 cross country team had an all-in-all great season this year. Despite a relatively new atmosphere and a struggle in numbers, the team had many successful moments. Led by captains Kane Hansen, Randi Hansen, and Jacob Wulf, this season was truly one to remember.
The atmosphere that surrounded the team this year was much different compared to last year’s pandemic-influenced season. Rather than only being allowed to send three teams to each meet, the Bombers got to return to sending their normal amount of players. This led to multiple successful meets, the most notable being, according to sophomore captain R. Hansen, the Kasson-Mantorville meet. But, one of the biggest differences in the atmosphere of the sport compared to last year’s season was the amount of fans allotted at each meet. Without covid restrictions, many cross country members could agree it was easier, and more enjoyable, to run with all the fans cheering them on from the sidelines.
The cross country head coach, Brett Zimmerman, mentions the season was also difficult due to small numbers. Out of the 21 members, only 5 were girls. “It was challenging having an incomplete girls team with only two varsity caliber runners. The team needs at least five runners to be complete,” Zimmerman stated.
Ignoring their tough circumstances, the Bombers cross country team prevailed, and had many accomplishments within their fall season.
Undoubtedly, the most memorable success of the cross country season was the accomplishment of senior captain, Jacob Wulf. Earning HVL All-Conference, Wulf carried the team through many successful meets throughout the season. “He has worked very hard the last couple of years to accomplish what he has done,” Coach Zimmerman emphasized.
Although low in girls numbers, the cross country team succeeded in having many boy runners. Coach Zimmerman added it was a huge bonus having so many 9-12 boy runners. Underclassmen runners are key to building the future of the cross country team. Wulf said, “it was one of the most successful parts of the season.” He shared that getting a large number of younger kids to become a big role on the team was huge for the Bomber cross country team.
Overcoming the new atmosphere and the relatively low numbers, the cross country team’s season went well. The runners’ mentality, strong wit, and hard work allowed them to be both successful as a team and individually. Coach Zimmerman and his team are hopeful and excited for what their next season will bring.

Hi, my name is Kyra and I am a senior editor for the sports category! I play volleyball, basketball, and softball outside of school. I am also involved...