The number of available seats started rapidly declining as more and more residents filed into the IMC this past fall for the School Board meeting. After the referendum failed, many were left with questions and concerns for the students of Cannon Falls Area Schools.
This past election, the Cannon Falls School District voted on a referendum. The result was that Cannon Falls Area Schools would need to make approximately $500,000 worth of cuts for the 2025-26 school year. This is an addition to the cuts they made in the spring of 2023-24 school year, which totaled about $400,000.
On Monday, February 10, the administration and the Finance Committee came up with about $563,000 worth of cuts to the School Board. This was slightly over their original goal of $535,000. With Jodi Strain and Luke Winchell absent, the board approved the cuts recommended with a 4-0 vote.
“You can cut fat, you can cut into the muscle a little bit, we’re down to the bone now.” said Superintendent Jeff Sampson when asked about the failed referendum. “Whether it’s raising class sizes or cutting bus routes, people are going to feel it. We’re getting down into the nitty, gritty stuff.”
The referendum was expected to pass, so lots were shocked when it failed. Sampson states when speaking on the unexpected result, “I know quite a few people who are very well connected throughout different groups in the community, and usually I get the ‘I don’t think this is going to pass’ and I didn’t get any warning bells from any of my connections, and that is frustrating. Especially for the level of attendance that we had at our public meetings.”
Scrambling for ways to cut $500,000, most board members’ first response was to increase costs for athletics, arts, and clubs. They also wanted to increase class sizes, reduce administration, and delay updating technology unless necessary. Listed below are the cuts or what they want to increase the pay for, along with the costs that have been proposed to the district and council.
- Elimination of Bomber Academy transportation – $8,170
- Reclassify HUDL package expense – $17,500
- Elimination of one bus route – $29,757.71
- Technology Subscription – $9,000
- Increase activities pass fee – $2,175
- Family activity fee cap increase – $2,500
- Activity fee increase – $36,384
- Full time elementary school teacher – $74,026
- Full time secondary school teacher/Innovation Lab Facilitator – $88,619.29
- ACT/AP test fees – $6,253
- Curriculum purchase over two fiscal years – $79,841
- Elimination of most 6th assignments – $45,656
- Weight lifting fee increase – $3,000
- School of Dance rental increase – $3,000
- Reduce marketing budget – $10,000
- Charge rental fee to Senior Center – $12,000
- Credit card fee – $9,000
- Administrative Restructure – $104,916
- Thermostat Changes – $9,544
- Elimination of band/choir concert allowance – $678
- Elimination of BPA (Business Professionals of America) Advisor – $2,035
- Elimination of Junior High paid scorebook/scoreboard workers – $948.
- Elimination of Junior High assistant football coaches – $4,168.21.
- Elimination of cross country assistant coach – $1,831.13.
- Elimination of cheerleading program – $2,728.86.
Although the Cannon Falls School District was only required to cut $500,000, they have decided to aim for $563,000. This decision was based on the fact that they are charging fees for renting slots from the Cannon Community Center (CCC), so they are ensuring that they will still be fine if those slots are not filled. This decision also provides protection if, because of the increased cost for activities/sports, less pupils or athletes sign up.