Running a cross the field
Midseason report on the Cannon Falls cross country team
Senior James Watson competing in a regular season meet.
The hardest part of anything in life, is to keep moving. Everyone on the start line knows that as they swarm the start. A man walks into the middle of the field, arms held high to take their marks. Bedlam ensues as everyone goes from a standstill to seeing who is the fastest.
This is Just a typical day for the Cannon Falls Cross Country runners.
This wide variety of runners have been jogging circles around the town since August 14th, with more members joining every year. “We have 32 kids out this year,” states head coach Ben Schopp. “The expectation for the team is they listen to what Coach Harris and I say, but also we have fun things to help the team like pancake feeds, game days, and bike rides to Welch.” The team has already competed in three meets at Stewartville, Montgomery, and Prescott. “Our first meet went very well,” Assistant Coach Randy Harris claims, “nearly everyone on the team ran a PR (Personal Record) from last year. There was a little bit of a stall over the holidays but the weather has pretty drastic effects on that. Our next meet, Pine Island (September 21st) will be the tell-tale meet. But I’m really excited for some individuals on the team. When one of our kids runs 500 miles over the summer and has his eyes on state, it makes everyone work harder.” As the coaches think of workouts and activities, the team captains are shaping the kids into formidable running machines. Captains this season include Seniors Brett Hanson, Lily Johnson, and James Watson, along with Juniors Erwin Strelow, Sophie Epps, and Vince Davisson. ”I’ve never been a leader of anything before this, so it’s definitely something to get use to,” Captain Hanson discuss. “I was worried that since I go to a different school, I wouldn’t get the same respect but we have an outstanding team and it’s a two way street, I respect them, and they respect me,” says Hanson. Other seniors on the team are Brendan Klitzke, Charlie Otterness, and Yogi Otto.
When the starting gun cracks, the runner’s mind is on the race- blood pumping, pushing their body to the limit for 3.1 miles. Muscles straining to beat not only all the other racers surrounding them, but to better themselves from the previous race. You don’t run to beat others, but to beat yourself. While beating others.

Sophie Epps is a senior and is one of the co-editors of the Features section. Even when not writing bios, she enjoys talking about herself in the third...