School Shopping
BPA to open school store

February 9, 2014
Two minutes until the first hour bell rings. As Lexi slams her locker door shut and heads for class, it hits her. She forgot a pencil. If she doesn’t have one today, Mr. Drucker will surely assign her detention. She flies down to the school store to quickly buy a cheap pencil, and dashes back to class. Mr. Drucker glares at her. But she is safe– thanks to the school store. Every student has had one of those days, and experienced that stressful moment.
The Business Professionals of America (BPA) is bringing back the Cannon Falls High School store. A little known fact is that the previous school store was discontinued two years ago due to a lack of space and the supervisor (Mrs. Tilderquist) retiring. Stephanie Fox, CFHS accounts clerk, pointed out that many students took advantage of the school store when it was open.
Originally, the idea was brought up by Mr. Hodges, school principal, and BPA officers. The store will be managed by BPA members and students enrolled in business classes.. Recently, a poll was taken that showed that the student body agrees with the idea.
With the majority of the weight on their shoulders, BPA members will only have a limited amount of assistance from Fox. Although it will be a challenge, Fox thinks it will be convenient for students, so they will be able to quickly buy supplies they need. The store will be in the concessions stand; it will be open before school and during lunch beginning February 17. Not only will the store be convenient for students, but the BPA members and business class students will get beneficial real-world experience.
.Walking out of Mr.Drucker’s classroom, Lexi is thankful for the school store. Now, in the future she will be able to evade detentions, at least those due to forgetfulness.