Second time’s a charm
The CFHS varsity debate team of Grand Schlichting and Miranda Felton makes a return trip to the state tournament.
Smiling, Schlicting and Felton claim their medals.
“Resolved: In order to better respond to international conflicts, the United States must significantly increase its military spending.” This is what debaters were weighing during January 7-8th at Eastridge for the debate sections tournament.
Cannon Falls brought two teams to knock out the competition in a style called public forum debate. In this format, debaters are in groups of two and rely on their partners to carry points through the round. Teams are comprised of a first and second speaker; The first reads the case at the beginning, while the second refutes the other team’s case later on. First speaker Ella Coyle and second speaker Hannah Johnson were a team, and first speaker Grant Schlichting and Miranda Felton were the second.
Some arguments during the day included our current military capability and whether or not we have the capacity to defend ourselves, and others included that military spending would lead to an arms race, or would take money away from critical domestic programs.
Schlichting and Felton placed 5th with a 5-2 record, and are heading on to state. It should come to no surprise that Cannon Falls is sending a team there, commented coach John Fogarty. “For the past five years we have been able to send at least one team to state,” and Fogarty concluded “There’s a good projection that the team this year will do well again.”
To others, doing well at state is not so easy. “I’m nervous,” stated Felton, “but I’m looking forward to seeing some of the best teams in the state.” staff photographer
Hannah Johnson and Ella Coyle prepare for a round
As for State, the team thinks they have the ability to do well. Felton and her partner last year placed eighth, and Schlichting and his placed ninth. This year, they hope to do better if possible, but it’s a long road ahead of them. “We have a lot of work to do” said Felton, but they also have a lot of experience and some good ideas, and are prepared for whatever comes their way.

Taking on Tenth grade, trap shooting, speech, skiing, jazz band, band and debate keeps Grant extra busy during the school year. Plus, he's the Lantern's...