Bus, bike, car — there are numerous ways that students commute to Cannon Falls Schools every day. On October 4th, IDS 252 highlighted another important transportation method: walking.
Organized by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and facilitated by numerous schools across the country, National Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day was celebrated on October 4th. The Cannon Falls district participated in the event, along with over 2,500 other schools across the country. Cannon Falls has been hosting the twice-annual event for over ten years. “We try to participate every October and May during the National Walk and Roll to School event day,” commented Lori Hanson, who organized the event for the school, “We encourage students and families to enjoy the exercise, the great weather and learn about Safe Routes to Schools.”

Safe Routes organized the first Walk to School Day in 1997. Walk to School Days emphasizes three important things: healthier habits, cleaner environments, and — more than anything — satey. According to the national organization’s website, over 15,000 pedestrians under 15 years old were injured in auto accidents in 2009. It became a priority of numerous communities to protect their children and teach proper safety habits. Beyond just promoting safety, Walk to School days strengthen communities as a whole. In Cannon Falls, there are a plethora of organizations that facilitate the day, including the School Board, the Mayor and City Council, the Chamber of Commerce Director, BIKE Cannon Falls, and the local police department. Hanson expressed her gratitude for everyone involved: “The Police help out quite a bit, they control the intersections and roll along with us providing the safest environment possible. We even got to hand out fresh apples from Twin Oaks Orchard at the finish line this year.”

This year, students, parents, and community volunteers met at the city parking lot at 7:15 a.m. before kicking off their route at 7:20 a.m. The group began headed east on Main Street, then turned north on Forth Street for a block before turning east on Mill Street, north on Second Street, and finally East on Minnesota Street. The route covered just over a mile and took around 30 minutes to walk, providing students with one example of a safe route to school. Students enjoyed a beautiful day and explored a fun, healthy way to get to school. “Walk to School Day helps to promote student health and wellness,” commented school nurse Pam Wulf, “Walking to school is a natural mood boost and can help you sleep better at night. Walking can improve immunity and mental health.” Cannon Falls Schools always emphasize student health and well-being, and participating in Walk to School Day is one way the district attempts to create a lasting impact for the better.