Sweeping up the competition
The CFHS team has found success in its first two tournaments

James Waatson and the captains lead the team in warmups
Last Saturday, February 4th, Cannon Falls hosted and competed in its first competition for the season. There were around 8 schools in attendance. The top three teams were Cotter, John Marshall, and Academy of Holy Angels, with Cotter taking home first, and John Marshall and Academy of Holy Angels coming in second and third respectively. Cannon Falls technically took first, however, the coaches have a policy of not taking the trophy for themselves, as it may seem selfish or unfair to other teams.
There were many individual first place finishers. Grant Schlichting took first in Extemp Speaking, Iris French took first place in Storytelling, Hannah Johnson got first for Extemporaneous Reading, and there were a few others that came out on top. “It was a good way to start the season,” said Grant Schlichting, “winning the first tournament as a team is always very exciting.” They also took first at their second tournament of the season at Rochester John Marshall. With event champions in six categories including Melissa Franz in Prose, Amanda Wulf in Great Speeches, Hannah Singewald in Poetry, Jordynn Zier in Original Oratory, Miranda Felton in Discussion, and Iris French in Storytelling.
They have their hopes set high again this year, with many who are hoping to return to state and have another successful speech season. Their next tournament will be held on Saturday, February 18th in Farmington. Hopefully the Bombers can recreate their success once more this next Saturday, and yet again, sweep up the competition.