Taking the stage by (snow)storm
The CFHS theater department has begun practicing Frozen Jr., a stage adaptation of Disney’s Frozen and this year’s musical production.
On audition day, CFHS students acted their hearts out in an attempt to get their choice roles in this year’s musical.
The Cannon Falls High School Drama Department, directed by Tania Legvold, is putting on this year’s fall musical: Frozen Jr. It is a theatrical version of the iconic 2013 movie, Disney’s Frozen. Starting with auditions on September 9 and 10, the performers have begun to practice and perfect their characters and the show.

Frozen Jr. stars Sophia Hanson as Queen Elsa, Kendall Lawless as Princess Anna, Tristin Qualey as Kristoff, Bowen Maki as Olaf, and Cannon Quade as Prince Hans.
The musical is based on Disney’s Frozen, but this version varies from the original, and not just because it was adapted to a stage. In Frozen Jr., the characters and their families have a dance number, and Sven, Kristoff’s reindeer, talks. Disney’s Frozen movie is about two sisters, Elsa and Anna. Elsa has magical powers that allow her to create ice, but her powers are hidden away from a young age. When Elsa leaves their kingdom of Arendelle shortly after her coronation, Anna sets off to find her along with Kristoff, a friend she meets along the way.
Although practices to prepare for the play have only been happening for a couple of weeks, both the cast members and the director are excited for Frozen Jr. Tania Legvold thinks that this play is special compared to other performances in the past both in terms of storyline and in terms of the work that is going into it. “I love that it is a fairytale but with a variation on the fairytale ending. It doesn’t all come together at once, it is like putting together a life-sized, moving jigsaw puzzle over two and a half months. It’s fun!” she commented.
There is a lot of work that goes into a production. Every detail has to be carefully considered, such as casting the characters, choreography, music, lighting, costumes, scenery, and set design. Even though there is a lot of work involved, it is also fun too. Tristin Qualey, who plays Kristoff, explained: “I love how much fun the whole cast is having with this musical. My favorite part so far is learning the group dances.” An average practice for the cast includes working on specific scenes, blocking, dancing, and reviewing scenes when needed. Practices for the musical are held after school every day, and sometimes on the weekends. However, not everyone is needed to practice every day.
Over the course of a couple of months, the cast and director of Frozen Jr. will bring a script to life with much practice and dedication, and that hard work can be shown to the public through their performances on Friday, November 12, Saturday, November 13, and Sunday, November 14.

Salutations! I am Grace Miller, the editor-in-chief for the Lantern. I am heavily involved in FFA, speech, and my job as a barista, but my true calling...