Thanksgiving Thursday
Everyone at Cannon Falls High School gets excited for Thanksgiving Thursday.
Many students circle and star their lunch menus for Thanksgiving Thursday.
Lines flow out of the high school cafeteria as hungry high schoolers await the annual ‘Thanksgiving’ lunch at school. Kids are aware of this lunch for weeks and plan ahead not to pack their own lunch. The lunch line seems to be twice as big on ‘Thanksgiving Thursday.’ Lunch ladies are busy in all three lines scooping warm mashed potatoes and stuffing served with the schools famous turkey gravy. Senior, Preston Parks shared, “The turkey gravy makes my tummy feel nice.” And of course, mini cups of vanilla ice cream, the favorite of most, await for the hungry bodies at the end of the line.
Earlier this month, a poll was posted, asking high schoolers at Cannon Falls what their favorite Thanksgiving food is. 32% of the voters said mashed potatoes are their ultimate favorite, which was expected. Freshman, Tristin Qualey maintained “I love the mashed potatoes served on Thanksgiving Thursday. We had it a lot more last year, so I look forward to any day when they’re being served up.” The runner up was creamed corn with 21%. Surprisingly, pumpkin pie only won 7% of the votes. Cranberry sauce sat at the end of the results with no votes.
As students eagerly wait for their five day vacation, teachers pack their lesson plans full, cramming in the last of the material and, sometimes, a big test before the Thanksgiving leave. Families will gather around and eat way too much food, only to be back together in just one short month. When teachers and students return back to school, the three week countdown for Winter break begins.

My name is Kylie. I'm a senior at Cannon Falls and I play volleyball. I love making mems with my pals!!! :)