The Early Bird Gets the Major
Students Applying to Technical Colleges Are Running Short on Time

As the last drop of rain fell to the ground a little bird hopped out of his nest. Bright and early, he and his kids feasted on the abundance of worms before them. As the day passed by more birds arrived, frantically looking for food, but it had all been eaten by the early birds. The situation doesn’t differ when it comes to seniors looking for a major. Applying for college is a daunting task, and now is the time to face it. Mrs. Hoffman, CFHS school counselor, emphasizes the importance of applying for college earlier rather than later.
Procrastination is common among high school students . Although it may be possible to swing passing a class, putting off applying will not have the same outcome. Major spots for technical colleges fill up. “When there is a specific focus [on a major], they fill up fast,” as stated by Mrs. Hoffman. Submitting an application earlier will reduce stress in the long run. Trying to study for finals, especially tests for advanced placement classes, while sending applications will be extremely stressful. Mrs. Hoffman points out that colleges look at applications as they come in– the sooner they see the application, the better.
Dawdling until the last second to send in college applications is not advised; applying as soon as possible will result in many benefits. By finishing early, the task will be done for the rest of the year, and worrying won’t be necessary. It’s clear that procrastination will only result in meager bird feed. If more information is needed, there are handouts/brochures in the guidance office. The early seniors will get their majors, just as the early birds get their worms.

Rianne Lund is a senior co-editor-in-chief. Spending most of her time on the internet, Rianne loves to watch YouTube. She also enjoys running agility with...

Aleena is the Assistant Video Editor and is a senior at CFHS. She enjoys shredding on her snowboard, scoring sweet goals in soccer, and breathing.