Torchies analyze the Swift/Kelce issue
About the Contributors

Tucker Nobach, Torch Photographer
My name is Tucker Nobach and I am in 7th grade. I am in the musical and choir. Some of my favorite things to do are play with my dogs (I have two) , bake and play board games with my family. My favorite school subject is reading and my favorite book series is the hunger games. My favorite food is homemade macaroni and cheese and my favorite dessert is ice cream.

Lola Winchell, Torch Writer
Hi, I’m Lola Winchell and this is my second year in torch. Besides writing for the torch, I also am involved in basketball, softball, track, math league, the musical, and student council. In my free time I like to hang out with my friends and family. One of my favorite things to do with my family is travel. A fun fact about me is that I have traveled to 15 different countries.

Lizzie Tipton, Torch Writer
Hi, I’m Lizzie and this is my second year of torch. I am involved in Dance team, FCA, breakfast club, 4-H, and volleyball, and a fun fact about me is I like apples and ranch!

Gavin Harrington, Special Projects Editor-in-chief
How’s it going? My name is Gavin Harrington and I’m a senior podcaster and videographer in the Lantern. I enjoy living out my usually unassuming days: sitting with a friend over call, listening to podcasts, looking out the window on a car ride, living life.