We want YOU…
NHS offers homework help Mondays and Thursday mornings in the conference room.
Uncle Sam is pointing at you because the National Honor Society wants you to come to homework help. Many people have seen these posters on the hallway walls, bathroom stalls, teachers’ whiteboards, and above water fountains. As part of the Minnesota Honor Society community service, the NHS members offer tutoring and help on homework twice a week for grades 6 through 12 and signing up is not required. Monday mornings after school at 3pm and Thursday mornings at 7:30am are the times available for help. One or two NHS members will be sitting in the Guidance Office conference room waiting to help, however, almost no one shows up. If you would like help in any subject to boost your grades or understanding of the subject, feel free to stop in.

Hello, I am Olivia Anderson and I’m a senior. I am writer for features. I’ve been in the Lantern my whole high school career and I was a writer for...

Iris is in 10th grade and is the Lantern's Social Media Editor. As such she can often be found checking Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She laughs like...