The We the People team won state with the help of Garett Klavon who won two units with the help of his team.
Garett Klavon and Iris French with their We the People state champion awards.
America is unique in so many ways, but one that always gets overlooked is its Constitution. Not only did Abraham Lincoln note in his Fragment on the Constitution that it beautifully enshrines the declaration of independence, but it checks and balances and ability to stand the test of time has no equal. Over its 231 year lifespan, it’s only been amended twenty-seven times, something unprecedented and even in the States is hard to come by (California’s has been amended 480 times.). With this, We the People debated on this grand document and forged a path of victory to led them to nationals, and that the helm of this venture was Garett Klavon.
The ideal We the People Team consists of eighteen members, but Cannon Falls this year came up short and only had eleven, this means Klavon and a few other members had to double up and do two units. Klavon was one of those who took on two units and he won them both, which helped get Cannon Falls the three out of six units needed to win the State Competition to go to Nationals. His Questions were on the Articles of Confederation, the predecessor of government to America’s Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
“The state competition was a little stressful.” He said, especially with the Bill of Rights unit. “…Not only do you have to know general knowledge but you have to include and know the details of various Supreme Court cases.”
On their quest to make it to the Capital, the team has to raise nearly $24,000. Currently they are at $19,000, and with a month left of fundraising the team is doubling down. “Fundraising so far has been pretty strenuous for us. We have had to bag groceries, sell malts, and make metal signs. We have also done sales for Easter lilies and we might have to do other fundraising as well.”
The Cannon Falls really has a unique opportunity to represent Minnesota among the other forty-nine states at the national competition and debate on what makes America so exceptional, and any amount of money will help get those kids there! If you are interested in donating or buying a metal sign, please contact advisor and teacher Heather Loeschke at [email protected]

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