Becca was practicing for a couple of weeks to start doing a stunt at games, and when the home game finally came she was Jasmine’s backspot. She only saw the back, but even though she was behind her, she was very proud. The 7th grade cheerleaders have been to a lot of games including the football State semifinals at U.S. Bank stadium to cheer on the Bomber football team. The cheerleaders do their best every day to cheer and pump up the team.
There are two 7th graders in cheer this year and their names are Jasmin Lanerd and Becca Kuehlman, and as a matter of fact, they are the only middle schoolers in cheer. They both enjoy it very much and hope to do it next year. Becca said, “I [enjoy] it because it involves teamwork and you can make new friends.” Kuehlman decided to do cheerleading because she had been doing cheerleading camps for a long time and wanted to be on the team. Lanerd said, “The main reason [why I joined cheer] is because when I first moved here, I looked up to the cheerleader Elayna Sherer and wanted to be just like her.” Elayna Sherer was a cheer captain. Lanerd is a flier and loves being thrown in the air and Kuehlman loves seeing the stunts be done right.
All the cheers they do look really fun. Some of their favorites are “Knock ’em, Sock ‘em” in which they jump up and down and say “Who rocks the house? The bombers rock the house, and when the bomber rocks the house, they rock it all the way down.” They also like Party Time. During Party Time, they shout, “Hold that line defense ’cause it’s party time, so push them back and sack the quarterback.” They both love cheer and think it would be more fun if some more middle schoolers joined.

Their coach is Melinda Sabelko, she is very proud of her 7th graders. She said, “My 7th graders are up to speed and doing just as well as all of the upperclassmen.” She does not know if she will be coaching next year or not, but if she is, she will be very excited.
The cheerleaders cheer everyone up; without them, the Bombers might not have made it to the U.S. Bank Stadium. Even though they lost, the cheerleaders helped pump them up.