Collating COVID 19
The Lantern has collected all of our COVID 19 stories in one location

Theater and the virus
The Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, is affecting many aspects of entertainment, like films being pushed back and concerts being cancelled.But one of the biggest areas being affected is the closing of Broadway in NYC until April 12th. The industry is expected to lose well above $150 million from the closure. Last year Brodaway had its highest attendance record in history and closing for this long...

COVID 19 Q&A with the superintendent

Humanities trip and the virus
EF Educational Tours has postponed all tours and travel to Europe in March and April. They sent out an email saying, “Our focus right now is returning our students who are in Europe” and further described the precautions they’re taking in light of the Coronavirus. Unfortunately, the Humanities class at Cannon Falls High School always plans their biennial trip to Italy and France through EF Ed...

Extracurriculars and the virus
Seniors have virtually had their last year of high school been completely put on hold because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Students across the state will not be back in school until at least March 27, with a very strong possibility of that timeline being extended into a period of “distance learning.” Their uncertainty and disappointment has certainly been compounded by the fact that all Minnesota...

COVID 19 Q&A with the school nurse
COVID 19 interview with school nurse

To that I say thank you
Dear COVID-19, You’ve caused fear, anger, and sadness across the country like I’ve never seen before. As the cancellations keep mounting—whether school, state tournaments, or class trips—high school seniors, such as myself, are crying. Feeling gypped. What about Prom, Senior Night, or even Graduation? Unlike many in the world today, I’m going to stop screaming and utter two words hardly...

Movies and the virus
On Friday night, I went to see Pixar’s Onward in a completely empty theater. Under normal circumstances, I would be thrilled to have an auditorium to myself. But at a time when toilet paper is sold out and hand sanitizer sells for $70 online, the barren movie theater made my stomach churn. With the Coronavirus pandemic making a name for itself in the United States, COVID-19 is having profound effects...

Pro sports and the virus
There is a pandemic spreading. Covid-19 is a new found virus that is causing a lot of havoc in the world today. A major issue when it comes to this virus is the amount of events being cancelled. One major example is professional sports. Sports around the world being affected are: golf, soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, hockey, football, running, and even the Olympic Games. The first sport on...

Social distancing how-to

What are you going to miss most about school when you are on break? ● Daily interactions with students and teachers ○ Mr. Legvold, Band Teacher ● Seeing my friends and just being able to live a normal life and go out and do things ○ Kylie Wersal, Senior ● Seeing all of my friends and being on a schedule ○ Olivia Johnson, Senior ● Being able to see my friends without having to make sp...

Concerts and the virus
Purchasing a ticket for a concert comes with abundant anticipation. However, concert-goers around Minnesota are saddened as Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz’s announcement on Friday said that all music venues around the Twin Cities will be closed for the next two or three weeks, including First Avenue Nightclub and all its sister venues. On Friday, the carrying capacity of crowd sizes was reduced...
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