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Students and staff speak out about COVID 19

What are you going to miss most about school when you are on break?

● Daily interactions with students and teachers
○ Mr. Legvold, Band Teacher
● Seeing my friends and just being able to live a normal life and go out and do things
○ Kylie Wersal, Senior
● Seeing all of my friends and being on a schedule
○ Olivia Johnson, Senior
● Being able to see my friends without having to make specific plans
○ Rebecca Miller, Senior
● Seeing friends and being active during the day
○ Makenna Collins, Freshman
● Hanging with friends during lunch
○ Sophia Stainbrook, Freshman

How is your family handling this time off? Are you committing to complete quarantine for the next two weeks?

● My parents aren’t taking the virus very seriously. They think the government is blowing it out of proportion. I’ll stay home as much as possible but we won’t be quarantining.
○ Rebecca Hein, Junior
● We are probably not going to hunker down completely. We’re definitely mindful and cautious, but certainly not panicking. God is in control.
○ Micaiah Harris, Junior
● They are stressed, but I’ll do whatever I need to do to keep myself and my family safe and healthy.
○ Miss. Szramek, Gym Teacher
● We’re limiting what we do and the personal contact made, but we are not going into a quarantine unless ordered to do so.
○ Mr. Strauss, History Teacher
● We are staying home and limiting going out to emergency trips. My mom is working from home and we aren’t having any guests over.
○ Haley Helgren, Junior
● We are just washing our hands a lot.
○ Carly Tipton, Freshman
● Personally I will be enjoying my Netflix and extra sleep, but my mom is worried about her work closing for the time being since she is the sole provider in our one income household.
○ Jasmine Schulz, Senior

Did any of your spring break plans get canceled due to the virus?

● Yes, I was planning on coaching baseball during spring break.
○ Mr. Lindow, Math Teacher
● We were planning on going to pick my brother up from the military in Georgia but now all military personnel are confined to base, so sadly we aren’t getting him anymore.
○ Olivia Villareal, Sophomore
● No, I went to Florida at the beginning of February so I’m glad I already got my vacation in!
○ Kylie Wersal, Senior
● Yes though my family and I did not have anything planned I will not be able to really go anywhere or hangout with friends.
○ Ella Miller, Senior
● Yes. My daughter and I were going to New York City for a few days over break. That was cancelled.
○ Mr. Hodges, Principal
● Yes, I was going to tour some colleges with my dad and I was super excited to have some quality time with him but the colleges all canceled and we don’t know when we will both have free time at the same time again.
○ Anna Becker, Junior
● Not yet, my trip is still on as long as a plane will take me there.
○ Cooper Peterson, Senior

What are your thoughts on doing school online?

● I don’t like it, it’s going to be different learning in a different environment.
○ Kyra Schoenfelder, Freshman
● I am ready for it.
○ Mr. Stachowski, History Teacher
● As of now, I’m psyched for it but I know 3 days into it, I’ll be sick of it.
○ Kressin Hartl, Junior
● It’s the best solution we have. It will be fine.
○ Mr. Gisvold, Gym Teacher
● My wifi doesn’t work sometimes so I am a little worried. Otherwise, my other concern is that I am a very hands on and visual learner who needs to do it herself and see the teacher do it.
○ Brianna Johnston, Junior
● I like that the option exists but it’s not at all the same. Online is meant to be online. This is trying to deliver content online that was meant to be personalized and face to face interactive.
○ Mrs. Winget, English Teacher
● It’ll be tough to manage time and get it all done, and I don’t think I’ll learn as much as I would in a classroom.
○ Julia Jarvi, Senior

If we do have to resort to online school, what is going to be the hardest part of the experience?

● The social isolation. With in-person classes, I can turn to someone next to me during work time and we can bounce ideas off of each other. With online, I don’t even know when that person’s awake, let alone when they’re looking to talk about an assignment.
○ Ian Sawdey, Junior
● Not having face-to-face contact with students. Explanations, questions, etc. can get distorted through text and email. Even lecturing loses it’s steam because questions can’t be asked and the quality of discussion goes down.
○ Mr. Strauss, History Teacher
● Communication, understanding material, and being able to complete art, construction, and Ag classes
○ Vienna Qualey, Senior
● Not being able to directly ask questions as needed
○ Isabella Sindt
● Dealing with wonky technology
○ Mr. Fogarty, English Teacher
● Doing art classes
○ Saundra Stodden, Senior
● Staying on task
○ Byrant Bussman, Freshman

Are there any aspects of this time off that you are going to enjoy?

● Sleeping in, eating what I want, being at home
○ Adrianna Learmann, Sophomore
● Being able to work and save money for college
○ Macy Duden, Senior
● I am an introvert, so spending time on my own is really nice. It’s almost refreshing.
○ Sydney Specht, Junior
● There won’t be the typical classroom stress, but I am sure there will be other kinds of stress that I won’t be able to fathom until I am in it…
○ Anne Davision, English Teacher
● Not getting up early
○ Bayley Goplen, Sophomore
● Yes, being home with my family
○ Mia Halling, Freshman

How are your extracurriculars being impacted by this health emergency?

● Track is pretty much canceled which sucks, and I’m scared that prom is going to be canceled which is gonna be really sad.
○ Marguerite Holes, Sophomore
● Speech is being postponed
○ Luis Mendivil
● Golf is being massively delayed
○ Mitchell McManus, Junior
● The play auditions are now postponed and speech may be over
○ Noah Muhlhausen, Junior
● I am no longer able to go to cedar falls for robotics.
○ Ella Miller, Senior
● JO volleyball and softball were cancelled
○ Emma Lopez, Freshman
● Jazz band and FFA are also not happening.
○ Xavier Bretchel, Sophomore
● I’m not going to Washington D.C. with WEPO.
○ Ryan Schlichting, Senior
● Baseball is on hold.
○ Cooper Peterson, Senior

(Teachers only) How are you going to structure your curriculum differently to adjust and adapt to this unique situation?

● I will have to change all unit planning that I have done for after break.
○ Miss Szramek, Gym Teacher
● Just moving the majority of things online. This shouldn’t be too difficult.
○ Mrs. Schwarz, English Teacher
● I will have online discussions. I will push to do more videos.
○ Mrs. Davisson, English Teacher
● Physical assignments will need to be altered so they can be completed online. I also plan on recording some lectures so students can listen.
○ Mr. Strauss, History Teacher
● I will be doing video explanations and written explanations.
○ Mrs. Mellesmoen, Spanish Teacher
● Planning more weekly and letting people complete it at their pace during the week instead of daily.
○ Mrs. Winget, English Teacher
● It will not be difficult since Schoology is pretty user-friendly.
○ Mr. Fogarty, English Teacher

(Seniors only) What experience are you most afraid that the Corona virus will take from you this year?

● The enjoyment of being with the people the grew up with and not getting to have our last prom or walking at graduation
○ Julia Jarvi, Senior
● Finishing my senior season of track. I have been in that sport since 6th grade and it saddens me.
○ Zoe Jesh, Senior
● Truthfully everything. It’s ruining the whole senior experience. Having to take my locker apart felt wrong. I don’t wanna miss prom and graduation along with all the little things that senior year has to offer.
○ Ella Miller, Senior
● The last of HS
○ Nicholas Engebretsen, Senior
● I’m really worried we aren’t going to be able to walk graduation and that today might have been our last day of school in person.
○ Rebecca Miller, Senior
● Walking down the stage and getting my diploma
○ Carrie Siebenaler, Senior
● Prom and graduation along with state speech. This question made me cry
○ Anna Giese, Senior
● Taking my final bow in the spring play, senior prom, and walking at graduation.
○ Jasmine Schulz, Senior

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