Lauren Ritz

Living healthy

With such a strong emphasis on produce, people are beginning to lose sight of the truly healthy food fare.

Many citizens of this world have been told as children to eat fruits and vegetables, because they’re “good for you.” Recently, studies have shown that parents have been lying to their kids about it. The phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is false. My imaginary friend Jonathan went to a special hospital on Saturn, because he was eating an apple once a week. My other imaginary friend, Jeffrey, went blind from eating carrots, which are said to help your eyesight. Now, thanks to fruits and vegetables, my two best friends are either on a different planet, or are running into walls in the middle of the night.

While fruits and veggies should be off the menu immediately, other foods should be added to your diet right away. Fries and ketchup are a healthy alternative to crummy old salads. By themselves, potatoes and tomatoes would be lethal, but thanks to science, they’ve been transformed into something that should be eaten every day. Fast food burgers have the nutrients necessary for a productive day. The extra grease in them not only adds character to the meal, but if there’s more grease, it’s less likely for a person to become overweight.

In addition to eating foods that were previously known to be healthy, exercise has been proven to beg extremely dangerous for people of all ages. Running tires people out, and gets them breathing quicker, and their heart beats faster. Those symptoms are similar to when someone has a panic or anxiety attack. Obviously, that isn’t good, and the two are clearly related. Many people think that being lazy is a bad thing, but that’s not true at all. Sleeping will help to get rid of sicknesses and diseases.

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