James Watson tries his hand at the homecoming lunch games
Lunch games
Lunch games were anything but a success with our CF students. Whether it be the lack of effort by the student council, people not knowing about the games, or simply students just didn’t want to leave their delicious food, there were very few participants in the lunch games. For the few that did partake in the activities, there was Baggo (that bean bag throwing game where everyone gets way too competitive) and Kan Jam (the game of throwing a disc into a can with a slit in the middle.)
Unfortunately, there were some technical difficulties with the two throwing games. Baggo was missing a few bags, which is kind of a big deal when the two teams must have an even number of bean bags to play fairly. The other game, Kan Jam, used some creativity to fix the problem of a missing piece. It is supposed to be played with a frisbee, but instead there was an ice cream lid being thrown. Although the ice cream lid didn’t completely mess with the efficacy of the game, it prevented the activity from looking put-together.